The Office of the Supreme Leader

Jurisprudence & Religious affairs

Light Makeup
Light Makeup
Do such common cosmetic procedures as fixing, dying, and microblading the eyebrows constitute beautification (zīnah) and therefore obligate women to cover their faces in the presence of non-maḥram men?
Using Other People’s Wi-Fi without Their Permission
Using Other People’s Wi-Fi without Their Permission
In the past I have hacked into other people’s Wi-Fi using my smart phone and have made use of their internet connection without their permission. What is my duty now? Unfortunately, I do not know some of the individuals whose internet I hacked into and am therefore unable to compensate them.
Penalty Clause
Penalty Clause
If a transaction is an on-credit purchase (nasīʼah), is the seller allowed to stipulate a penalty clause as a provision within the same contract or as part of a distinct binding contract (al-ʻaqd al-khārij al-lāzim), making the buyer liable for a specified fee if he fails to pay the price at the designated time? Is such a provision valid and binding?
Membership Fee and Commission Paid by Members of a Home-Operated Lending Group
Membership Fee and Commission Paid by Members of a Home-Operated Lending Group
I have started an interest-free lending group managed by myself from my home. For someone to become a member eligible for receiving a loan, he or she is required to pay a certain amount as a deposit and a membership fee. By accumulating these deposits, I am able to give loans to the members by turns. So, I have two questions. First, is it permissible to receive a membership fee (which is a fixed amount) from the members?